Dedicated & Unmetered Bandwidth
Every HostUnmetered server comes with a 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps port without any restrictions, worldwide.
Tier-1 Platinum Network
Our network consists of the highest quality Tier-1 providers. Including NTT, Telia, GTT, TATA, Cogent and over 300 peers including major EU ISP's.
Latest Hardware Platform
Our Supermicro powered hardware platform consists of Intel Xeon E3/E5 CPU's and DDR4 RAM with SSD storage.

Latest hardware for best performance
Our Supermicro based stack employs the latest hardware such as Intel Xeon CPU's, enterprise grade HDD and SSD and DDR4 ECC RAM. You can expect only the best performance from our hardware stack.
Unmetered Dedicated Servers
Our feature-rich unmetered service
HostUnmetered is trusted by over 100+ companies active in high bandwidth and low latency industries.
Trusted by companies in various industries requiring high bandwidth servers
What Others Say About Us

Ready to deploy ?
Pick your server, customize it and we'll have it ready in one business day. You can have your own unmetered server from €179 per month.